Fonts And Life

(On this page: It Is Not A Science - It's An Art!, View Section Topics On The Right.)

  1. It Is Not A Science - It's An Art!

    For professional designers, choosing the right font for whatever they're working on is a vital decision. One might labor for hours deciding between two fonts that both look right, but send different messages. The slightest difference matters to a "font person" and an endless supply of fonts from which to choose, one bolder or fancier than the other, is like Christmas morning. But to most people, fonts are something taken for granted, a mere quick decision before typing a letter. Although in this almost fully digital age, more and more people are seeing all of the possibilities.

    But what you may not realize is that examples of the vast variety of fonts exist right in front of us every day. Take a drive down a highway, walk through Times Square or simply look all around your work or home and you'll see it. That's why we're excited to bring you the Fonts And Life section of Here you'll find articles about a wide variety of topics from all walks of life demonstrating how the right font has made an impact on that one little, or perhaps really big, aspect of daily living.

    So whether you love fonts and can't get enough or you never realized the impact fonts play in our lives, this is the place for you. Enjoy, and may the fonts be with you!